since I last wrote a blog. I have been living a busy life, which is weird, seeing as I do f**k all. I work fulltime at a petrol station in the Netherlands, yet I don't seem to have the time to do anything else, other than to sit behind the computer, and watch QI on repeat on Youtube. Ow yeah, and I do have a website where I review mixes, CDs and livesets. There isn't much interesting to share with you lot, and I doubt that anyone is still reading this, seeing as I haven't posted anything interesting for a long time. Let's see if I can write something interesting down.
I do lots of things online. I browse a lot, always looking for new mixes and livesets. I like to go onto Soundcloud and Mixcloud, yet Mixcloud is shite when you want to download a mix, you simply can't. And the music player is absolutely wank, it's nothing to boast about. They have done, trying to persuade us to vote for them being the best website of 2012. Well, clearly, they are not. Not saying Soundcloud is the best, but it's miles ahead. But again, times change, even on the internet, and the ongoing revolution is unstoppable: they tend to change everything from time to time: from lay-out to paying for things. Ridicilous. Some website's should not change at all, like Soundcloud. I've tried the new lay-out, yet I find it extremely unsatifying. I can't find anything, and I don't like the lay-out. It still has the option to choose between the old and the new lay-out, but one day we all have to adapt ourselves to the new page. Like Facebook. I am a Facebook freak, I go on it several hours daily, and I do find it's change rather irritating. Adds everywhere, it's not possible to scroll on Facebook without being hit in the face with advertisement. Back in the good old days, it was easy peasy, now it's just so damn hard. Because I lived in Heerlen once, and I've typed that amongst my personal info, doesn't mean I need to get information regarding films shown in Heerlen theatres, or where I can drink a pint in Heerlen. Useless toss. I hate ads, especially on Youtube, seeing as I spend most of my day on it. I don't want to buy things, I just want to see a video. F**k off with your nonsense, I will never wear those clothing items, nor will I buy them for my wife. And you always have to wait 5 seconds to continue, 5 whole seconds! What's the point in that? Within 5 seconds I get angrier and angrier, and there's no point I want to click on the add, I want to shove my computer up my arse! Annoying. And there's nothing you can do about it. Well, unless you get your creditcard out, and pay for NOT seeing adds.
The world is so unfair. We have to pay for NOT seeing things. Isn't that weird? It's the same with cars, the more expensive they get, the less they have. Look at those race monsters you see on Top Gear or Fifth Gear, absolutely beautiful cars, but when you drive a Porsche, they do take weight off the car to make it faster, yet you pay more money for it? Isn't that weird? One day we will have to pay for nothing, we might pay for breathing. Money has changed the surface of the Earth. Money does make you do absolutely horrible things, like commit a murder, or harm someone. What's the point? Shouldn't we all be happy about others? Shouldn't we all accept the fact that we are all different, with opinions and the amount of money on our bank account, and just live on? Money is dangerous. People don't understand how dangerous it is. Sometimes people say that they need money to live, and I am not backing that statement to a certain degree. I do think that people with disabilities need money, to get the best support they can get. And I think they need to be looked after. Yet to blame everything on a bad youth, because people were raised in a poor enviroment is just wrong. Kids are spoiled nowadays, walking around with an old Nokia phone is child abuse. Kids who don't have the latests games are so out of touch, and blame everything on being poor, but kids don't know what they have! They have got everything. When I was younger, I had an Atari, you know, a wooden one. But not when the Atari age happened, years after the game console period I got one. When Nokia's were cool at school, I was walking around with a shite phone, one with a huge antenna. I was known to be the uncoolest kid at school, and yes, I wasn't happy. But look where I am right now: I've got a fulltime job, I've got the love of my life, I am raised rather hard yet it made me look at the world the way we all should look at it, cherrish it. We all live on this planet, and yet the digital revolution has made us all individuals: arguments online harm us more than an actual argument face 2 face. We can not handle it when someone dislikes our video's posted on Youtube, we hate it when people comment negatively on our statusses, we are getting weaker and weaker each single day. Knowledge to live is quickly drained out of our bodies, we do tend to spend most time online, yet we do not learn a single thing. We tend to watch show where untalented people try to become rich and succesfull, and when they fail, we all laugh. We shouldn't laugh, we should not look at others failing: we have all been there. Yet humour has changed. And so have we.
Whenever we go online, or watch television, we are expected to get our wallet out, and wave around our money, so money grabbers can take it away from us. Happiness can be bought nowadays, yet I will not allow myself to follow that path, I will not buy a single thing online to improve my life. You know what can make you happier? Go out and sniff the air! Yes, I can understand it that you might think it's weird, me writing about going out, whilst sitting behind a computer. Yet it makes me the happiest man ever. If I want to achieve happiness, I go out with my wife to a restaurant or a bar. Or even a museum. Enjoy the past, present and the future. Why walk around with an umbrella 365 days of the year? Why not let the rain touch your face, and make you feel human again? Why not appreciate the things mother Nature has got to offer? Yes, I do agree, bugs are ugly, but appreciate it. Why be miserable all the time? You don't need a computer to achieve happiness, a nice board game can make you happier! I do love to play games with the wife, and I win all the time (no, I don't cheat, I just don't explain the rules properly). You could do the same with your loved one(s). Buy a board game, and have hours of fun. I see a lot of families who can not appreciate it anymore. The reason I don't have a game console, is because it's waste of money. I'd rather play a nice game with my wife, like Scrabble, Jenga, Triominos, or whatever game you prefer. Monopoly is good too, but you need time. And time isn't on our sides, is it?
Time can not be bought online, you dopey sods. Time is so beautiful, waiting for your loved one to arrive at an airport can feel like hours, yet the excitement is undescribable. You can not explain it, how it feels when you see people coming through those doors, yet it's not the one you are waiting for. And when she does come through the doors, happiness takes over everything. It does. Appreciate time, that's what I am saying. Yes, you can waste your time by typing a blog about bollocks (like I've done), and think to yourself "what have I done? I should have done other things", yet it's necessary. The longer I spend behind a computer, the less I will in the future. It's weird, isn't it? I do like sitting behind a computer, yet I typ less and less (just look at the amount of blogs I've typed). I start to live life the best way I can, by sharing my knowledge, and expand my knowlegde. I am a huge fan of knowlegde (to an extent), and I try to absorb as much as I can. And we should all do it!
It mesmerizing to read so many beautiful stories, about things happened in the past. But how many people nowadays read books? It's all Ipad this, Ibook that, Ireader, etc. The most annoying thing people do, is buy a book online, and read it on a digitial device. Why not buy the original, you dopey sod? I do like to read about anything and everything, yet sometimes it's just too damn hard to understand things, especially in a foreign language, like English. I do spend a lot of time online browsing English website, yet whenever I try to read Stephen Fry's book, I stumble. I can not continue without my brain hurting. I try, yet I fail. So the next thing to do, is read other things, expand your knowledge of the language and the subject, and then get back to it. Yes, I do know I mistyp words sometimes, and I make mistakes all the time. But I try. At least I try. And if I fail, I will. That's what makes us human. I think I'm born in the wrong century, I would loved it being born at the beginning of the 20th century, oh, I would have been such a cool person. But I am not. I am old of mind, my moral values are different compared to other members of my generation. I don't go to Spain to get absolutely hammered, I don't sit on the beach, wasting my summer. I do like it to be around company, especially my loved one. That's what makes me happy. And to go to museums. I love it. The smell, the taste (yes, that's a weird one). I could live without a computer, yet I can not live without a mobile phone. Isn't that weird?
I am living in a gap. A gap between the previous generation and the new age generation, the youngsters who live on this planet right now. I do appreciate technology and I find it fascinating, but I do know it does destroy our moral values. We are slowely turning into zombies. You think I am wrong? Just look at the reaction of the millions of people who couldn't use their Blackberries for a couple of days. People went mad! Absolutely mad. Technology is great, yet weird. I do love to read about the Apollo mission into space, yet I find Angry Birds dull and stupid. I do love the history behind a mobile phone interesting, yet playing a game console I find boring. I am weird, yes I know. I do have a weird opinion, and I do hope I did not offend anyone. But the thing I am trying to say is, to turn of your computer, and walk around. Look at what you have, and how much you own. And think of others on this planet who have ABSOLUTELY nothing. You feel rich, eh? Now expand that feeling, try to feel rich for 24 hours, and you are happy, even though you are not a millionaire. You are richer than you think. Live life as good as you can. And love life and those in it.