Hello everyone, it's been a while. Can't remember when it was last, eh. It must have been over a year. But truth be told, if you want to know more about me, you can find everything on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google +, Pinterest, and what have you not. It's been an interesting few months, if I'm completely honest.
I've had surgery. No, not plastic surgery (I am too darn beautiful, don't need that), but quite the surgery needed. I've had back pains for many years, and according to the specialists the main cause could have been kidney problems. Yeah, don't ask me the complete story, but it's been a journey for 2 1/2 years. Going to the hospital over and over again, scan here and scan there, blood tests over and over, urine samples (they've got so many samples, I think I peed at least 50 liters over the years), and several minor surgeries. Including one unexpected one.
My cysts did occur after drainage of them, so that didn't work. Beginning of September it all went wrong: acute kidney issues lead up to me being transported in an ambulance to the hospital. I was unable to do the most simple tasks like breathing or sitting still. I was not in a good mode, I was in a terrible state. I had to have help, otherwise it would and could have lead to something much more unpleasant. And the specialists response was 'nephrostomy'. This is basically a tube that goes straight into your kidney to the outside, and attached to it was a urine bag. Just to take the pressure of the kidney.For 8 to 9 weeks I had this bag attached to me.
It wasn't pleasant. I can assure you that. I know exactly how unpleasant it was. But it saved me. I could not have survived my pain and agony. But this pushed me towards the big surgery: pyleoplasty. The dreaded surgery. This meant that they would take of a small fraction of the kidney, which caused the obstruction. This surgery took place 2 weeks ago, and can you Adam and Eve it: I'm already on the mends. I'm sitting here, eating and drinking normally, already drove my car yesterday, and on Monday I will be working again. Time does fly by.
Hospital was not the best place for me to be in. Experienced a lot of unpleasant things. Woke up after the surgery with a catheter in, which I wasn't told of. And a bag on the left side to catch blood. And I am allergic to gauze/plasters called Centripore. Had blisters as a result. After being discharged on a Tuesday we had to go back on the Thursday because the blisters made movement extremely and utterly unpleasant. And now I'm scarred for life. Ah heck, if that's all, eh?
What I'm trying to say to you, the reader, is that you always should take care of yourself. Health comes first. Yes, I would not have gone this route, but I'm positive that the pyleoplasty was the right thing for hydronephrosis. All the other things were consequential and unnecessary, but part of the process. Always listen to your body, ALWAYS. Do not underestimate pain and agony.
If you are told you need a urinary bag, be a man (or woman) and accept it. It is unpleasant, trust me, but the end result can be a life without agony, and constant pain. Doctors will do their best to help you, not always in the quickest way, but still: your health is their focus. They don't focus on yourself, but only on the cause and correction. Never the patient.
I have had 2 1/2 years full of memories I will try to avoid. In about 4 months my sickness period comes to an end, if everything went accordingly to plan. If I have reached that moment, I will and must move on, and think of a brighter future. You can learn from moments like these, but you need to experience them first. Listen to your body, and let it all come over you. Do not resist. This will only cause you more unpleasant moments.
Now I'm sitting behind my laptop, vaping like an idiot (like everyone else sees me), and enjoying life. I am happy to have followed everything. It took a while, but I'm on the mend. I'm getting there. Life is smiling at me. And Hayley of course. We had to postpone our holidays now three times due to my sick bed. But 2019 will be our year. You must believe me, I do believe me.
Talk to you soon!
The Crazy Dutchmans Blog
vrijdag 30 november 2018
maandag 10 juli 2017
A Dutchman living in the UK
Well, it's been over a year since I last wrote something on here. I'm too busy, working full-time and keeping my TCD review website afloat. It's not easy to be fair, because I still do this as a hobby and make literally f**k all out of it. But I do it because I love the music, and love to share my passion.
My life in the UK. Pff, where do I start? This has been an incredible journey so far. To many it might come across as a normal and not exciting thing to do, but you can not be more wrong. This has been really difficult from time to time. First getting a job in the UK whilst still living in the Netherlands. That took me a few years to achieve, but thankfully I managed to find a job. The journey over? That must have been easy peasy? Well, yeah. The journey. Not the actual hassle that comes with it.
My flat had to be emptied, and that's when you find out you've got way too much stuff in your already small flat. At first glance you don't notice at all, but once you start clearing and cleaning stuff you do have bits and bobs everywhere. The tip, they were very happy with me. My old junk must have pleased them. But that wasn't all. Making sure everything would fit in boxes, and to rent a van. That was a hassle and a half! Also putting it in a van, that wasn't easy. I've dislocated my shoulder many times and had surgery done to it. So picking heavy items up, that has to be done with care. I'm not the Rock.
Renting a van? Done. Packing the van with pops? Also done. Driving to London from Kerkrade? Okay, not a big thing. But at Calais things went wrong: we drove into the section where the trucks are, and because we thought we had to be there, to get through security was a ball ache. Let's not mention the fact that truckers were pressing their horn constantly.To them I say f**k off. We've never done it before like this, and like you haven't made mistakes in your life?
Unpacking? Wow, that took a while. I think we lived with boxes for a few months. Even putting the bed and the sofa back together wasn't easy (thank God I was still at that time in the Netherlands, making sure everything was left behind correctly. Also saying goodbye to the family. That's never a nice thing to do, but at least they were pleased.
Once I started living in the UK I had to sort out a few things. First of all, a National Insurance Number. Many had adviced me that this was not the easiest thing to do, but to me it was okay. The woman who served me did her work properly, and only a week or 2 later I received mine in the post. Setting up a bank account? Check. Making sure I've got a doctor and a dentist? Check.
Work! Let's not forget about that. I started back in May back in 2016, and I still work here with a lot of fun and pleasure. I've met so many new people, made new friends, and the knowledge I've gained is tremendous. If I show you what I do on a daily basis, you wouldn't believe it. I work as a dealer assistant advisor/consultant for General Motors/Opel/Vauxhall. And that I do well. If I was crap, they would have sacked me. But I'm not, and now I am the one who maintains the whole of the Netherlands. Not today, but from tomorrow on I will do it again.
Why not today? Because I'm regaining my strength after surgery. Surgery? Yes, kidney surgery. Throughout 2016 I've visited the hospital and my GP several times, due to blood amongst my urine. Or shall I say urine amongst my blood? That wasn't good, and it turned out that I didn't have cancer (that's a bonus) but there were some issues with my kidney. So they planned in an operation for the 7th of July, which was last Friday. It wasn't pleasant but well needed. It's not like they've openend me up like a tin of spam, but it felt like it.
But not only have we done that, but also bought a foreign car. Well, it's foreign to me. A nice Mazda 2, and yeah, it's an old people's car, but do I care? It takes me from a to b, and I'm dry. Do we need and expect anything else from a vehicle? I don't need all those extras, I'm pleased with the basics.
Every day I feel less Dutch, and many things I normally have craved for, are slowely going down the drain. Even the language I sometimes struggle with. English is now my main language, and I maintain my Dutch language by speaking to my colleagues at work. But I feel now more at home in this country with my missus and her family, and our friends. We've experienced a lot, and we are still happy together. Some have said that this might not work out, but we proved them wrong.
The only thing I miss is the Dutch chippy. If you don't know what I mean by that, don't comment. It's the best thing God has ever created. Yes, I do eat British food, but some things aren't the same. Why are the chips soggy and not thin and crispy? Why haven't you got frikandels or spoetniks or anything you can get from a chippy? Bitterballen? Kroket? Yep, I miss the greasy food.
And of course my family. Friends? I didn't have many friends, they were mainly work colleagues. But only a handful keep in touch with me and visa versa. The majority move on, and so should I. I am not coming back to the Netherlands, my heart lies here. Yes, I've still got the Dutch nationality, but give me around 3 1/2 years and I will get the British citizenship. Yes, I will do the test. Even though it's not even interesting (I don't know who was the 4th King of England, or who was beheaded, or when the British armada went to Spain and killed many). I will do the test, and pass.
This is the country I should have been born in. But it's never to late to accept reality. I wasn't born here, wasn't educated here, and I wasn't raised here, but I'm going to live here now and die here. My heart beats whenever I speak in English a tad faster, and I roar like the three lions. Or are they leopards?
I'm signing off now. Got other things to do. Mainly relax. Hopefully it won't be another year before I write another ridicilous blog.
Ps. yes, I might be Dutch, but I don't stick a finger in a dike, wear wooden shoes, love tulips, or live in a windmill. Accept that. Thank you.
Martin a.k.a. The Crazy Dutchman
My life in the UK. Pff, where do I start? This has been an incredible journey so far. To many it might come across as a normal and not exciting thing to do, but you can not be more wrong. This has been really difficult from time to time. First getting a job in the UK whilst still living in the Netherlands. That took me a few years to achieve, but thankfully I managed to find a job. The journey over? That must have been easy peasy? Well, yeah. The journey. Not the actual hassle that comes with it.
My flat had to be emptied, and that's when you find out you've got way too much stuff in your already small flat. At first glance you don't notice at all, but once you start clearing and cleaning stuff you do have bits and bobs everywhere. The tip, they were very happy with me. My old junk must have pleased them. But that wasn't all. Making sure everything would fit in boxes, and to rent a van. That was a hassle and a half! Also putting it in a van, that wasn't easy. I've dislocated my shoulder many times and had surgery done to it. So picking heavy items up, that has to be done with care. I'm not the Rock.
Renting a van? Done. Packing the van with pops? Also done. Driving to London from Kerkrade? Okay, not a big thing. But at Calais things went wrong: we drove into the section where the trucks are, and because we thought we had to be there, to get through security was a ball ache. Let's not mention the fact that truckers were pressing their horn constantly.To them I say f**k off. We've never done it before like this, and like you haven't made mistakes in your life?
Unpacking? Wow, that took a while. I think we lived with boxes for a few months. Even putting the bed and the sofa back together wasn't easy (thank God I was still at that time in the Netherlands, making sure everything was left behind correctly. Also saying goodbye to the family. That's never a nice thing to do, but at least they were pleased.
Once I started living in the UK I had to sort out a few things. First of all, a National Insurance Number. Many had adviced me that this was not the easiest thing to do, but to me it was okay. The woman who served me did her work properly, and only a week or 2 later I received mine in the post. Setting up a bank account? Check. Making sure I've got a doctor and a dentist? Check.
Work! Let's not forget about that. I started back in May back in 2016, and I still work here with a lot of fun and pleasure. I've met so many new people, made new friends, and the knowledge I've gained is tremendous. If I show you what I do on a daily basis, you wouldn't believe it. I work as a dealer assistant advisor/consultant for General Motors/Opel/Vauxhall. And that I do well. If I was crap, they would have sacked me. But I'm not, and now I am the one who maintains the whole of the Netherlands. Not today, but from tomorrow on I will do it again.
Why not today? Because I'm regaining my strength after surgery. Surgery? Yes, kidney surgery. Throughout 2016 I've visited the hospital and my GP several times, due to blood amongst my urine. Or shall I say urine amongst my blood? That wasn't good, and it turned out that I didn't have cancer (that's a bonus) but there were some issues with my kidney. So they planned in an operation for the 7th of July, which was last Friday. It wasn't pleasant but well needed. It's not like they've openend me up like a tin of spam, but it felt like it.
But not only have we done that, but also bought a foreign car. Well, it's foreign to me. A nice Mazda 2, and yeah, it's an old people's car, but do I care? It takes me from a to b, and I'm dry. Do we need and expect anything else from a vehicle? I don't need all those extras, I'm pleased with the basics.
Every day I feel less Dutch, and many things I normally have craved for, are slowely going down the drain. Even the language I sometimes struggle with. English is now my main language, and I maintain my Dutch language by speaking to my colleagues at work. But I feel now more at home in this country with my missus and her family, and our friends. We've experienced a lot, and we are still happy together. Some have said that this might not work out, but we proved them wrong.
The only thing I miss is the Dutch chippy. If you don't know what I mean by that, don't comment. It's the best thing God has ever created. Yes, I do eat British food, but some things aren't the same. Why are the chips soggy and not thin and crispy? Why haven't you got frikandels or spoetniks or anything you can get from a chippy? Bitterballen? Kroket? Yep, I miss the greasy food.
And of course my family. Friends? I didn't have many friends, they were mainly work colleagues. But only a handful keep in touch with me and visa versa. The majority move on, and so should I. I am not coming back to the Netherlands, my heart lies here. Yes, I've still got the Dutch nationality, but give me around 3 1/2 years and I will get the British citizenship. Yes, I will do the test. Even though it's not even interesting (I don't know who was the 4th King of England, or who was beheaded, or when the British armada went to Spain and killed many). I will do the test, and pass.
This is the country I should have been born in. But it's never to late to accept reality. I wasn't born here, wasn't educated here, and I wasn't raised here, but I'm going to live here now and die here. My heart beats whenever I speak in English a tad faster, and I roar like the three lions. Or are they leopards?
I'm signing off now. Got other things to do. Mainly relax. Hopefully it won't be another year before I write another ridicilous blog.
Ps. yes, I might be Dutch, but I don't stick a finger in a dike, wear wooden shoes, love tulips, or live in a windmill. Accept that. Thank you.
Martin a.k.a. The Crazy Dutchman
donderdag 4 augustus 2016
My Life In The UK
I've been in this country for several months, and I have to say that it's been a game changing decision I've made. It was terrifying, giving up everything I had in the Netherlands, but I had to make a decision, staying over there and be separated from my girl, or just make the move. At the beginning of the year I wasn't sure it was going to be a good year, but it turned out to be awesome!
I was given the opportunity to work for GM as a dealer assistant in Luton, and I took it with both hands. I've been working there since the 7th of March, and I've met so many nice people! In all honesty I can say that I have had fun since the day I started there, met so many nice people. My colleagues are all nice, and the job is actually quite nice. The decision I made was the right one!
Experienced a lot in those months. Had my first car crash, ruined the front side of my vehicle, and it made me feel gutted. I've always been very careful with my car, cleaned it every week, always kept to the speed limit, never did anything stupid with it, and now I've made the mistake that cost me my front side of the car. Well, there has to be a first for everything.
Also I went raving in Bournemouth. It had been a while since I last raved the night away. I met so many nice people, and it made me realise that I'm in the right place. I should have made this decision years ago. I was too afraid, anxious, but now I'm here (just in time, months before the Brexit). And I'm not leaving. I pay my taxes, I work hard, I support this country as much as I can. And I don't have a criminal record. Why would you send me back?
Well, it's been a while since I last typed a blog, I should do this more often. This is the first of many, I reckon.
I was given the opportunity to work for GM as a dealer assistant in Luton, and I took it with both hands. I've been working there since the 7th of March, and I've met so many nice people! In all honesty I can say that I have had fun since the day I started there, met so many nice people. My colleagues are all nice, and the job is actually quite nice. The decision I made was the right one!
Experienced a lot in those months. Had my first car crash, ruined the front side of my vehicle, and it made me feel gutted. I've always been very careful with my car, cleaned it every week, always kept to the speed limit, never did anything stupid with it, and now I've made the mistake that cost me my front side of the car. Well, there has to be a first for everything.
Also I went raving in Bournemouth. It had been a while since I last raved the night away. I met so many nice people, and it made me realise that I'm in the right place. I should have made this decision years ago. I was too afraid, anxious, but now I'm here (just in time, months before the Brexit). And I'm not leaving. I pay my taxes, I work hard, I support this country as much as I can. And I don't have a criminal record. Why would you send me back?
Well, it's been a while since I last typed a blog, I should do this more often. This is the first of many, I reckon.
zaterdag 12 december 2015
Not being able to....
work on my other website. It's dull, writing a blog here. What to put down? What's relevant for me to typ here? I don't have a clue. My thoughts? You seriously don't want to hear my thoughts.
On my other website (which is http://www.thecrazydutchmansblog.nl/wp ) I write reviews. Music reviews, and it's been going well. I've been doing it for a couple of years, and the response has been great. It's a lot of fun, reviewing music. But the most rewarding thing is the response from well known names in the music industry.
Also the free CDs/mixes they do sent to me. Often I know in advance I will be getting a nice surprise in my mailbox, but sometimes it comes as a surprise. Some artists do send me their whole back catalogue, and you always have greedy people reading those reviews and sending me mails about me sharing this with them (all for free). My answer? Buy the album(s) yourself, you greedy plonker. Start your own website, and do work for it.
Sadly I haven't been able to write any reviews the last couple of days, due to an error I keep getting when I try to log in. The error can not be solved from my end, because I do not have the rights to alter/change anything in Wordpress, I'm just a moderator, someone who writes blogs. If I do have questions I have to e-mail to my webpage builder, which is CMSDesigns.nl ,and they help me out a lot. But until they've contacted the webhost, there's nothing I can do.
Please be patient. I will be back with many new reviews. Hopefully I can go onto my website today, or maybe tomorrow morning. Damn.
On my other website (which is http://www.thecrazydutchmansblog.nl/wp ) I write reviews. Music reviews, and it's been going well. I've been doing it for a couple of years, and the response has been great. It's a lot of fun, reviewing music. But the most rewarding thing is the response from well known names in the music industry.
Also the free CDs/mixes they do sent to me. Often I know in advance I will be getting a nice surprise in my mailbox, but sometimes it comes as a surprise. Some artists do send me their whole back catalogue, and you always have greedy people reading those reviews and sending me mails about me sharing this with them (all for free). My answer? Buy the album(s) yourself, you greedy plonker. Start your own website, and do work for it.
Sadly I haven't been able to write any reviews the last couple of days, due to an error I keep getting when I try to log in. The error can not be solved from my end, because I do not have the rights to alter/change anything in Wordpress, I'm just a moderator, someone who writes blogs. If I do have questions I have to e-mail to my webpage builder, which is CMSDesigns.nl ,and they help me out a lot. But until they've contacted the webhost, there's nothing I can do.
Please be patient. I will be back with many new reviews. Hopefully I can go onto my website today, or maybe tomorrow morning. Damn.
vrijdag 11 december 2015
Getting Work.... why is it so difficult?
As you may or may not know, I'm a 32 year old man. Yes, I am a man, I've checked it this morning. I am Dutch, and I speak and write in two languages (English and Dutch), which might appear to be an advantage for me to find a job suitable for me in the UK. I've been on the hunt for a long time, and yet I am unsuccesful. It's devastating and quite frankly painful to be rejected each and every time, mainly because there are too many people applying for the same job. I always receive the same e-mail, in which it says that 'we are sorry bla bla bla.... unsuccesful bla bla'. How come? What made them think that I'm not the most capable person for this job? Just by looking at my CV? My CV is just a sheet of paper on which bits and bobs are written down, but if you give me a chance to explain who I am and what I'm capable of, this sheet of paper becomes useless.
Don't get me wrong, I have been to interviews, and came far, but sadly never hired. One of the jobs I've applied for had 30,000 people applying for it, so I didn't stand a chance. There were people who knew exactly what to expect during the whole business, and even the role play bit. I was not ready for a role play part, and I failed on that. Disappointed as I was, I never got the answer why I failed. But that didn't stop me from sending out e-mails, applying as much as I can. Every day I send my CV to so many people, and yet they always reply by sending a standard e-mail back.
Sometimes I do get a phone call, and I'm happy as a bunny. I always explain my situation, and the main reason why I want to move over to the UK. Not to claim any benefits or do anything illegal/stupid, but to work there, live there, pay my taxes, and basically become a UK citizen (in the future). My wife's British, born and raised in London, and we've been together for 7 years and a bit (don't ask me how long, I am a man). English has always been a second language to me, and I've been in love with everything British since the first time I came over for a holiday. I am in love, truly in love. I am willing to leave my family and friends behind, and start a new life in the UK. Yes, it is scary, but manageable (or however you spell it!).
I've had phone calls, e-mails, and when they do not respond or call at all after they've agreed to do an interview on the phone, it makes me wonder: is there any hope left? I've had phone calls with people who barely spoke any English at all, and I had to end the conversation due to the fact that I could not understand a single word. I speak English much better than most people do (who are from abroad, like I am), and yet it's not easy. Is it because I'm Dutch? What is it? Am I too polite?
I've been working for the last 14-15 years for the same employee, and not many people can say that in this day and age. Yes, I'm risking it all, but I know it's going to be worth it. If you are reading this and you are thinking of giving me a chance, you know what to do. Contact me or let me contact you. I have never been a disappointment at all, never been ill/sick and have no criminal record. Yes I have had speeding tickets in the past, but who hasn't? That's not criminal, isn't it?
I will find the perfect job suitable for me. No call centre stuff, because I'm already annoyed when people from call centres call me. But something else. I will find it. You just have to be patient enough with me, I will write rants on Facebook and Twitter about companies who do not contact me or reply anymore, without going into any details. I will remain nice and polite, but deep down inside I will be furious. Be kind and do not think I'm a horrible person, I am nice. But steam has to go somewhere, hasn't it?
Oh, if you want to know my personal strengths: I am the best employee you will ever encounter. One strength enough to last you a lifetime.

Don't get me wrong, I have been to interviews, and came far, but sadly never hired. One of the jobs I've applied for had 30,000 people applying for it, so I didn't stand a chance. There were people who knew exactly what to expect during the whole business, and even the role play bit. I was not ready for a role play part, and I failed on that. Disappointed as I was, I never got the answer why I failed. But that didn't stop me from sending out e-mails, applying as much as I can. Every day I send my CV to so many people, and yet they always reply by sending a standard e-mail back.
Sometimes I do get a phone call, and I'm happy as a bunny. I always explain my situation, and the main reason why I want to move over to the UK. Not to claim any benefits or do anything illegal/stupid, but to work there, live there, pay my taxes, and basically become a UK citizen (in the future). My wife's British, born and raised in London, and we've been together for 7 years and a bit (don't ask me how long, I am a man). English has always been a second language to me, and I've been in love with everything British since the first time I came over for a holiday. I am in love, truly in love. I am willing to leave my family and friends behind, and start a new life in the UK. Yes, it is scary, but manageable (or however you spell it!).
I've had phone calls, e-mails, and when they do not respond or call at all after they've agreed to do an interview on the phone, it makes me wonder: is there any hope left? I've had phone calls with people who barely spoke any English at all, and I had to end the conversation due to the fact that I could not understand a single word. I speak English much better than most people do (who are from abroad, like I am), and yet it's not easy. Is it because I'm Dutch? What is it? Am I too polite?
I've been working for the last 14-15 years for the same employee, and not many people can say that in this day and age. Yes, I'm risking it all, but I know it's going to be worth it. If you are reading this and you are thinking of giving me a chance, you know what to do. Contact me or let me contact you. I have never been a disappointment at all, never been ill/sick and have no criminal record. Yes I have had speeding tickets in the past, but who hasn't? That's not criminal, isn't it?
I will find the perfect job suitable for me. No call centre stuff, because I'm already annoyed when people from call centres call me. But something else. I will find it. You just have to be patient enough with me, I will write rants on Facebook and Twitter about companies who do not contact me or reply anymore, without going into any details. I will remain nice and polite, but deep down inside I will be furious. Be kind and do not think I'm a horrible person, I am nice. But steam has to go somewhere, hasn't it?
Oh, if you want to know my personal strengths: I am the best employee you will ever encounter. One strength enough to last you a lifetime.

It's that time of the year again: Christmas is near. The world embraces the red and white colours to dominate everything, and everywhere you look there's this man with a huge beard and baggy clothing, demanding us to sing for him Christmas songs. Oh how jolly. Most people have big Christmas trees in their house, real or fake ones. If I'm brutally honest, I do like it, decorating the tree and the house. You take out the big boxes you've got hidden away from the world for 11 months and blow off the dust, and take out everything and decorate it with passion. Thankfully I've got a lovely girlfriend who always helps me out, so decorating the tree is something we do together, and spending time together with the person you love is what we are after, aren't we?
But there's one side of Christmas I never understand at all! It's the media. The media goes absolutely bonkers months before Christmas, getting us all excited with stupid adds we don't want to see. And if it's not the media, it's the companies who benefit from this jolly festive season. Why only during this season can we get items with a discount? Why not throughout the whole year? Why pay so much more a day after Christmas when the item hasn't changed at all? And why is it always busy in shops when I go shopping? I dislike shopping a couple of days before, but I'm a man, so we do our shopping as late as we can, preferably the day itself. Busy days are not my cup of tea.
I do love shopping, and if I do go shopping, I spend minutes in a shop. Not hours like most females do. I use my four braincells and go chasing for the ultimate Christmas present. Promotional offers always hits you in the face, and even at the till you are bombarded with items you do not want to buy. The worst things are always sold during this season, and I have always wondered why 'willy-warmers' are a pleasant thing to buy for anyone. Or stuff similar to it. There are actually companies who make crap, and during this festive season we are most likely to buy it. Why?
I won't buy anything for anyone if they don't need it. I've been warned months prior to Christmas what to buy (my girlfriend always gets excited in September), so I do know what to purchase. I love her excitement, she gets a sparkle in her eyes. So I buy as much as I can, and always hope I've bought more presents than anyone else, because it's a game, isn't it?
Christmas is also the time of the year when people start fabricating shite music, re-make old classic anthems and updating it to the present day. Why would you mutilate a Christmas classic? The originals are always better, and hearing a boyband sing 'White Christmas' only makes my hemmorroid bleed ferociously. But they still sell, and probably appear on the top position in the chart, and I always wonder how that's even possible?
From a Christmas tree in the living room to Christmas music in the car to having a Christmas wallpaper on your phone, this season is dominated by balls, trees and festive songs. Also food is an important thing: we in the Netherlands like to gourmet, and if you don't know what that is... it's much better than turkey, I garantee! Shoving things up a dead animals' bottom ain't pleasant to do or to look at, so let's skip the turkey this year and gourmet. Look it up if you want to know what it is!
Secretly, I do love Christmas. It might appear that I dislike it a lot, but secretly I do love it. There's an atmosphere I can not describe, and like my girlfriend I'm happy when I can play 'Driving Home For Christmas' by Chris Rea in September. Why? Because I can and want to. Yes, it's all about being together with your family and friends, and this year I will be working throughout the Christmas days, so not time for the family at all. After Christmas I will be spending time with my family, and spending time is important, but to me opening presents is the most important bit of it all!
I love my family throughout the year, but during Christmas there's only one thing I want to do: sit, eat, watch a film, open presents, see what kind of rubbish there is on television, and stuff my face with chocolate. Basically what I do every day of the year. So what's the difference? Presents. See, I told you presents are important. But let me warn you: no willy warmers, or anything as idiotic as that.
But there's one side of Christmas I never understand at all! It's the media. The media goes absolutely bonkers months before Christmas, getting us all excited with stupid adds we don't want to see. And if it's not the media, it's the companies who benefit from this jolly festive season. Why only during this season can we get items with a discount? Why not throughout the whole year? Why pay so much more a day after Christmas when the item hasn't changed at all? And why is it always busy in shops when I go shopping? I dislike shopping a couple of days before, but I'm a man, so we do our shopping as late as we can, preferably the day itself. Busy days are not my cup of tea.
I do love shopping, and if I do go shopping, I spend minutes in a shop. Not hours like most females do. I use my four braincells and go chasing for the ultimate Christmas present. Promotional offers always hits you in the face, and even at the till you are bombarded with items you do not want to buy. The worst things are always sold during this season, and I have always wondered why 'willy-warmers' are a pleasant thing to buy for anyone. Or stuff similar to it. There are actually companies who make crap, and during this festive season we are most likely to buy it. Why?
I won't buy anything for anyone if they don't need it. I've been warned months prior to Christmas what to buy (my girlfriend always gets excited in September), so I do know what to purchase. I love her excitement, she gets a sparkle in her eyes. So I buy as much as I can, and always hope I've bought more presents than anyone else, because it's a game, isn't it?
Christmas is also the time of the year when people start fabricating shite music, re-make old classic anthems and updating it to the present day. Why would you mutilate a Christmas classic? The originals are always better, and hearing a boyband sing 'White Christmas' only makes my hemmorroid bleed ferociously. But they still sell, and probably appear on the top position in the chart, and I always wonder how that's even possible?
From a Christmas tree in the living room to Christmas music in the car to having a Christmas wallpaper on your phone, this season is dominated by balls, trees and festive songs. Also food is an important thing: we in the Netherlands like to gourmet, and if you don't know what that is... it's much better than turkey, I garantee! Shoving things up a dead animals' bottom ain't pleasant to do or to look at, so let's skip the turkey this year and gourmet. Look it up if you want to know what it is!
Secretly, I do love Christmas. It might appear that I dislike it a lot, but secretly I do love it. There's an atmosphere I can not describe, and like my girlfriend I'm happy when I can play 'Driving Home For Christmas' by Chris Rea in September. Why? Because I can and want to. Yes, it's all about being together with your family and friends, and this year I will be working throughout the Christmas days, so not time for the family at all. After Christmas I will be spending time with my family, and spending time is important, but to me opening presents is the most important bit of it all!
I love my family throughout the year, but during Christmas there's only one thing I want to do: sit, eat, watch a film, open presents, see what kind of rubbish there is on television, and stuff my face with chocolate. Basically what I do every day of the year. So what's the difference? Presents. See, I told you presents are important. But let me warn you: no willy warmers, or anything as idiotic as that.
donderdag 27 februari 2014
2014..... Milton Keynes
Yes, I do know it has been months since I last typed a message on here, but I was always busy updating my website (www.thecrazydutchmansblog.nl) or just busy in general. I've been over to the U.K. many times, and I always had a great time. But seeing as my website is currently unavailable (due to an error, don't know what caused it), I've got plenty of time to typ a message on here, to keep those who read this nonsense updated. And especially my dad, seeing as he doesn't visit my new website, because he simply can't be bothered. Here's my story about my recent trip to the U.K.......
I've been waiting for this day to come for many weeks, and last Thursday it was the day of all days: I had booked a ticket via P&O and Thursday was the day the journey started. Yet there was a set back: I had to work a nightshift previous to the journey, and after working 8 hours, I was ready to drive, but knackered. My colleague arrived a bit earlier, so I could leave on time. The whole journey through Belgium and France was a doddle, on a few small traffic jams everything was fine. I was knackered, but the music kept me going through the morning. Originally I had the ferry around 11 o'clock, but I arrived way on time, so the original plan was to relax on the parking area, and maybe to catch some sleep. But the nice people at the check-in terminal were nice enough to book me on an earlier boat, so I didn't have any time at all to catch some sleep: I was probably the last person to board! Once on board, there were many annoying people who thought it was necessary to shout as loud as they could, and make themselves heard. You might call them 'cheese eating surrender monkeys', I call them 'ze french'. Thankfully I had my book and headphones with me, and a few buns, so I was occupied throughout the whole journey!
After reaching Dover, I assumed they wanted to search the car, but seeing as I was the last person, the custom officers couldn't be bothered, and they let me drive off without searching the car. I couldn't care if they did: I've got nothing to hide at all. I am a good civilian, no drugs or alcohol in my car. I did have a bag of Dutch snacks with me, for my mother-in-law, but it's not forbidden to take them with me to the U.K.? Anyway, I was prepared for a rough journey, seeing as the U.K. is having problems, caused by the weather. The wind and rain were heavy, but not as much as I've seen on the news. After 2 hours driving on the M25 and another road I simply can't remember the name of, I went to Barnet, to pick up my wife. She had worked already, and I agreed to pick her up. But for the love of God, the parking facilities are really poor in Barnet. After a horrible phone conversation with her, explaining where I should park, we met at the car park of Tobey's Carvery. I was a bit peckish, and she too, so we decided to eat something. The menu they gave us only had full meals, not sarnies or anything light, so we both decided to get sausage rolls instead. What a treat, you might think?! They were f**king horrible! The most horrible thing I've ever tasted, and it did upset both our stomaches! Sick as we were, we went home. After a well-deserved sleep, I simply can't remember what we did? I think we stayed at home, had a meal there, but I could be wrong. Oh no, we had a meal at home, and it included dumplings. Another nasty thing I didn't like. We had a stew (is that how you spell it?). It was nice, but the dumplings weren't made for me.
The next day we woke up, got ready for the journey to Milton Keynes, and after setting off, we filled the car with Diesel, to make sure we made the journey without having to walk a single feet. The journey was good, we stopped at a service station for some treats for uncle Martin and Caroline, and bought them some nice flowers in a basket. We made it in time, and we were welcomed by Caroline (Martin was still at work). After Martin got home, they all decided to take me to a restaurant. The ladies got ready (why does it always take hours for them to look good?) and we just sat there waiting for them. I wish I knew the name of the place, but I think it was next to a Hyundai dealer?! An American type of restaurant, with a huge gorilla next to the entry door. You know which one I'm talking about? The food was good, and I had chicken with chips. The chicken... well, the size was appalling. Three bites and the chicken was finished! I was still hungry after leaving the restaurant, and after a quick detour, the girls decided to go to Domino's to get me a pizza, my favourite: Texas BBQ. Once we made it back home, I ate the bloody pizza within minutes, and was still peckish after! A good night it was, and seeing as we were all tired, we went to bed. The next day was going to be a long one!
To prove my point, my wife has taken a picture of the chicken, judge my opinion if you like, but for me it was too small (she always makes pictures of food, don't know why?!) Oh, the name of the place was Buddies.
The next day we decided to go to Milton Keynes shopping centre, probably the biggest one I've ever seen! We went out around 10 to eat breakfast at our well trusted Wetherspoon, and we ate a full English breakfast (both Martins). The two girls had a sausage on a bun. Mmmm, nothing beats a full English Breakfast!
After this short stop, we walked around the shopping centre for hours. The girls seemed to like it, and even I had to admit that it was nice, yet you couldn't see the whole shopping centre in one day. We only walked the main path, not the sides at all. Many shops we've seen, a couple we've been in. We've been in Sports Direct, Doc Martins, Superdrug etc. I always go shoe shopping, because I'm after one specific type of shoe, and in other stores they normally don't have size 9 1/2. I've got weird feet, I know. And this might come as no surprise: we ate again, this time at Krispy Kremes. If I don't increase body wise by the end of the year, I might have the cure to stay slim forever! After munching away, we walked again for many hours. I do apologise for this picture: I forgot to bring my hair gel with me to Milton Keynes, and even though we bought a new one, I didn't find it appropriate to do my hair in a shopping centre. So my hair was held together by a female hair spray (thanks Caroline). And yes, I do look miserable, but every man on this planet will look the same if he goes shopping with a woman.
God, I look like a horse in this picture. After walking on the outside market, we went to Costco. What a huge place! If I would have lived in the U.K. already, I would have been shopping there, but to buy 150 rolls of toilet paper would be unnecessary for me right now. But they had so many things: after moving to the U.K., I must become a member and buy everything there, in case a war might occur! Oh, and I want a specific sofa! I think it was called 'Lazy Boy', but it was so nice, my bum agreed. Costco is cool, fact!
Anyway, after these dreadful yet intriguing hours, we decided to leave, seeing as Martin had a ice hockey game to go to (in Coventry), and it wasn't my cup of tea, even though he asked me to go with him. We (Caroline, Hayley and myself) went to the nearest pub for.... FOOD. After the lovely meal, the ladies had a strawberry woo woo, whatever that is. It had alcohol in it, and the conversations that followed, we had a great time, even though the subjects were a bit unusual (princess Diana, prince Charles, the bombing of London etc.). Not your usual subject. After we went to the nearest shop to buy Freddo's (I love them), we went home and started playing games, such as Monopoly, Triominos and The Catch. Is it called the Catch? Nope, it's called the Chase. And obviously, I won every game... even though we didn't finish Monopoly, because the girls didn't want to continue. I was a maniac, bought every property I could. Lol.
After Martin got home from his game, we played some more Triominos, and I won a game. Hayley won another, but Martin came really close. He's a good player, messes up other people's minds with his tactics.
We went to bed, and woke up, and had a cup of tea and a nice breakfast. We both had a wicked weekend in Milton Keynes, and I do love it down there. Martin had shown us all there is to see, and the best place has got to be the location where they make Aston Martins. Beautiful cars, one day I will own one.
The long journey to London was quickly done, not a lot of traffic on the road at all. After arriving home, we had a proper Sunday Lunch, with Yorkshire puddings. Nom nom nom, they are tasty! We decided to go to London centre, to buy some presents for my sister and brother-in-law, and my mother and father. It was busy, Hayley told me that there was a award ceremony that day, don't ask me which one. We went into Cool Britannia, shopped for hours (and even smelt someone's nasty fart), and got out with 2 bags filled with quirky things (Riana and Michel will know). You want proof that we walked around Piccadilly Circus? Here's proof!
We had enough, so we went home, walked passed the Polski Sklep (the turk shop), and we walked straight into Hayley's friend, Lisa. She kindly offered us a lift home, which was literally 2 minutes, but still, it was a nice gesture. We got home, we played board games, and watched things on television. Family Fortunes, with some bloke from McFly. He lost. Duh, obviously. It had been yet another long day, so we went to bed.
The weather during my stay was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was shining, no rain at all. Well, maybe a drizzle, but that was it. My last day we both decided to go to Enfield, to eat at TGI Fridays. We had a full meal, and it was lovely, yet we both knew that the end was near: I had to leave London around 3 o'clock, so there was no time to waste. I was sad, as you can tell, and so was Hayley.
After a long kiss and a long hug, I said goodbye to everyone, and left for Dover. The traffic wasn't so bad at all, the weather good. The drive was a doddle, quite boring to be honest. I got to Dover on time, yet I missed the previous boat, so I had to wait for the one I was originally booked for. And ofcourse the car got searched. Always me. A quick pee and a look around followed, and got back into the car. I got scared for a minute when I walked out of the Burger King, there was a police van, and no one else was inside, so I was guessing they were looking for me, but they weren't: they were peckish too!
After boarding, I made myself comfortable, and had a nice book to read, yet no headphones (they were lost at the time), so I could hear everyone shout and scream. And also one bloke who snored so loudly, people in Calais could hear him snore, even though we didn't set off at all! The journey was long, and after reaching Calais, the long drive home emerged in front of me. So boring, with cruise controle the journey become even more boring. Some idiot from Belgium started to annoy me, a chav in a BMW, who had the nerve to cut me off several times, and when I tried to pass him, he passed me again and cut me off again. With this going on, I missed the original exit, and had a small detour (20 minutes) which turned out to be an even shorter route to Kerkrade!? Weird ja? After stopping at a service station in Belgium for a tea and some fags, there wasn't much to talk about. I played music, drove home, and after filling up at my local petrol station, I gave the car a quick wash (at 1 in the morning).
Nearly 1300 kilometers I drove in those days, but it was fun. I don't want to make these journeys any more, I want to move over, so I don't need to travel this much to see my wife. That's future talk, but near future talk. But until then, journey's like this one will happen. And I'm happy, because I still like driving.
Thanks to my family-in-law for a brilliant long weekend. It's back to normal for me, and I hate that. U.K., I promise you, I'll be back soon. Boy, I miss the food a lot. I want to go to TGI Friday, Krispy Kreme, etc. I'm a fat f**ker.
I love you Hayley, thanks for a brilliant weekend. Standard as usual, but that's what I like. And I don't need anything else, this has been yet another good weekend. Thanks hun!
I've been waiting for this day to come for many weeks, and last Thursday it was the day of all days: I had booked a ticket via P&O and Thursday was the day the journey started. Yet there was a set back: I had to work a nightshift previous to the journey, and after working 8 hours, I was ready to drive, but knackered. My colleague arrived a bit earlier, so I could leave on time. The whole journey through Belgium and France was a doddle, on a few small traffic jams everything was fine. I was knackered, but the music kept me going through the morning. Originally I had the ferry around 11 o'clock, but I arrived way on time, so the original plan was to relax on the parking area, and maybe to catch some sleep. But the nice people at the check-in terminal were nice enough to book me on an earlier boat, so I didn't have any time at all to catch some sleep: I was probably the last person to board! Once on board, there were many annoying people who thought it was necessary to shout as loud as they could, and make themselves heard. You might call them 'cheese eating surrender monkeys', I call them 'ze french'. Thankfully I had my book and headphones with me, and a few buns, so I was occupied throughout the whole journey!
After reaching Dover, I assumed they wanted to search the car, but seeing as I was the last person, the custom officers couldn't be bothered, and they let me drive off without searching the car. I couldn't care if they did: I've got nothing to hide at all. I am a good civilian, no drugs or alcohol in my car. I did have a bag of Dutch snacks with me, for my mother-in-law, but it's not forbidden to take them with me to the U.K.? Anyway, I was prepared for a rough journey, seeing as the U.K. is having problems, caused by the weather. The wind and rain were heavy, but not as much as I've seen on the news. After 2 hours driving on the M25 and another road I simply can't remember the name of, I went to Barnet, to pick up my wife. She had worked already, and I agreed to pick her up. But for the love of God, the parking facilities are really poor in Barnet. After a horrible phone conversation with her, explaining where I should park, we met at the car park of Tobey's Carvery. I was a bit peckish, and she too, so we decided to eat something. The menu they gave us only had full meals, not sarnies or anything light, so we both decided to get sausage rolls instead. What a treat, you might think?! They were f**king horrible! The most horrible thing I've ever tasted, and it did upset both our stomaches! Sick as we were, we went home. After a well-deserved sleep, I simply can't remember what we did? I think we stayed at home, had a meal there, but I could be wrong. Oh no, we had a meal at home, and it included dumplings. Another nasty thing I didn't like. We had a stew (is that how you spell it?). It was nice, but the dumplings weren't made for me.
The next day we woke up, got ready for the journey to Milton Keynes, and after setting off, we filled the car with Diesel, to make sure we made the journey without having to walk a single feet. The journey was good, we stopped at a service station for some treats for uncle Martin and Caroline, and bought them some nice flowers in a basket. We made it in time, and we were welcomed by Caroline (Martin was still at work). After Martin got home, they all decided to take me to a restaurant. The ladies got ready (why does it always take hours for them to look good?) and we just sat there waiting for them. I wish I knew the name of the place, but I think it was next to a Hyundai dealer?! An American type of restaurant, with a huge gorilla next to the entry door. You know which one I'm talking about? The food was good, and I had chicken with chips. The chicken... well, the size was appalling. Three bites and the chicken was finished! I was still hungry after leaving the restaurant, and after a quick detour, the girls decided to go to Domino's to get me a pizza, my favourite: Texas BBQ. Once we made it back home, I ate the bloody pizza within minutes, and was still peckish after! A good night it was, and seeing as we were all tired, we went to bed. The next day was going to be a long one!
To prove my point, my wife has taken a picture of the chicken, judge my opinion if you like, but for me it was too small (she always makes pictures of food, don't know why?!) Oh, the name of the place was Buddies.
The next day we decided to go to Milton Keynes shopping centre, probably the biggest one I've ever seen! We went out around 10 to eat breakfast at our well trusted Wetherspoon, and we ate a full English breakfast (both Martins). The two girls had a sausage on a bun. Mmmm, nothing beats a full English Breakfast!
After this short stop, we walked around the shopping centre for hours. The girls seemed to like it, and even I had to admit that it was nice, yet you couldn't see the whole shopping centre in one day. We only walked the main path, not the sides at all. Many shops we've seen, a couple we've been in. We've been in Sports Direct, Doc Martins, Superdrug etc. I always go shoe shopping, because I'm after one specific type of shoe, and in other stores they normally don't have size 9 1/2. I've got weird feet, I know. And this might come as no surprise: we ate again, this time at Krispy Kremes. If I don't increase body wise by the end of the year, I might have the cure to stay slim forever! After munching away, we walked again for many hours. I do apologise for this picture: I forgot to bring my hair gel with me to Milton Keynes, and even though we bought a new one, I didn't find it appropriate to do my hair in a shopping centre. So my hair was held together by a female hair spray (thanks Caroline). And yes, I do look miserable, but every man on this planet will look the same if he goes shopping with a woman.
Anyway, after these dreadful yet intriguing hours, we decided to leave, seeing as Martin had a ice hockey game to go to (in Coventry), and it wasn't my cup of tea, even though he asked me to go with him. We (Caroline, Hayley and myself) went to the nearest pub for.... FOOD. After the lovely meal, the ladies had a strawberry woo woo, whatever that is. It had alcohol in it, and the conversations that followed, we had a great time, even though the subjects were a bit unusual (princess Diana, prince Charles, the bombing of London etc.). Not your usual subject. After we went to the nearest shop to buy Freddo's (I love them), we went home and started playing games, such as Monopoly, Triominos and The Catch. Is it called the Catch? Nope, it's called the Chase. And obviously, I won every game... even though we didn't finish Monopoly, because the girls didn't want to continue. I was a maniac, bought every property I could. Lol.
After Martin got home from his game, we played some more Triominos, and I won a game. Hayley won another, but Martin came really close. He's a good player, messes up other people's minds with his tactics.
We went to bed, and woke up, and had a cup of tea and a nice breakfast. We both had a wicked weekend in Milton Keynes, and I do love it down there. Martin had shown us all there is to see, and the best place has got to be the location where they make Aston Martins. Beautiful cars, one day I will own one.
The long journey to London was quickly done, not a lot of traffic on the road at all. After arriving home, we had a proper Sunday Lunch, with Yorkshire puddings. Nom nom nom, they are tasty! We decided to go to London centre, to buy some presents for my sister and brother-in-law, and my mother and father. It was busy, Hayley told me that there was a award ceremony that day, don't ask me which one. We went into Cool Britannia, shopped for hours (and even smelt someone's nasty fart), and got out with 2 bags filled with quirky things (Riana and Michel will know). You want proof that we walked around Piccadilly Circus? Here's proof!
We had enough, so we went home, walked passed the Polski Sklep (the turk shop), and we walked straight into Hayley's friend, Lisa. She kindly offered us a lift home, which was literally 2 minutes, but still, it was a nice gesture. We got home, we played board games, and watched things on television. Family Fortunes, with some bloke from McFly. He lost. Duh, obviously. It had been yet another long day, so we went to bed.
The weather during my stay was absolutely gorgeous. The sun was shining, no rain at all. Well, maybe a drizzle, but that was it. My last day we both decided to go to Enfield, to eat at TGI Fridays. We had a full meal, and it was lovely, yet we both knew that the end was near: I had to leave London around 3 o'clock, so there was no time to waste. I was sad, as you can tell, and so was Hayley.
After a long kiss and a long hug, I said goodbye to everyone, and left for Dover. The traffic wasn't so bad at all, the weather good. The drive was a doddle, quite boring to be honest. I got to Dover on time, yet I missed the previous boat, so I had to wait for the one I was originally booked for. And ofcourse the car got searched. Always me. A quick pee and a look around followed, and got back into the car. I got scared for a minute when I walked out of the Burger King, there was a police van, and no one else was inside, so I was guessing they were looking for me, but they weren't: they were peckish too!
After boarding, I made myself comfortable, and had a nice book to read, yet no headphones (they were lost at the time), so I could hear everyone shout and scream. And also one bloke who snored so loudly, people in Calais could hear him snore, even though we didn't set off at all! The journey was long, and after reaching Calais, the long drive home emerged in front of me. So boring, with cruise controle the journey become even more boring. Some idiot from Belgium started to annoy me, a chav in a BMW, who had the nerve to cut me off several times, and when I tried to pass him, he passed me again and cut me off again. With this going on, I missed the original exit, and had a small detour (20 minutes) which turned out to be an even shorter route to Kerkrade!? Weird ja? After stopping at a service station in Belgium for a tea and some fags, there wasn't much to talk about. I played music, drove home, and after filling up at my local petrol station, I gave the car a quick wash (at 1 in the morning).
Nearly 1300 kilometers I drove in those days, but it was fun. I don't want to make these journeys any more, I want to move over, so I don't need to travel this much to see my wife. That's future talk, but near future talk. But until then, journey's like this one will happen. And I'm happy, because I still like driving.
Thanks to my family-in-law for a brilliant long weekend. It's back to normal for me, and I hate that. U.K., I promise you, I'll be back soon. Boy, I miss the food a lot. I want to go to TGI Friday, Krispy Kreme, etc. I'm a fat f**ker.
I love you Hayley, thanks for a brilliant weekend. Standard as usual, but that's what I like. And I don't need anything else, this has been yet another good weekend. Thanks hun!
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