dinsdag 30 augustus 2011


I am old. 28 to be precise. Today I am young, I should do something special to remember today. What should I do? Walk around the streets naked, whilest dancing to the beat? Neh, not my thing. Should I do something nice? Water my plant? Neh, it's already dead. What should I do? Maybe something I've done for so many years..... nothing.

What have I done yesterday, and the days before that? I had a late shift on saturday and sunday, and I thought it was going to be a shitty weekend, but sunday turned out alright. 550 customers. That is less than a minute per customer, for 8 hours. Imagine that, meeting me at the till. You are served quicker than you can say "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". I hate that film, I really do.

Yesterday I done fokk all. I went to the supermarket, and I thought I could buy a vlaai, a dutch delicacy, but they only had shitty one's. So I bought something else for myself, a bossche bol. Fucking great thing, it's .... erm..... it's a puff cake filled with whipped cream and covered with melted chocolate.  This is how it looks like:

But because it's so big, it's really hard to eat. Your face is always covered in chocolate, and you legs in whipped cream. It's so delicious, I will introduce it to my girl when she comes over next time. She doesn't know what hit her. Melted chocolate ladies! Melted! Isn't that what you want? Isn't that what you need? You don't need fish and chips, with horrible red sausages which look like a bulls penis.... you need a bossche bol.

Today I have an appointment. With the window cleaner. I forgot I had the appointment. I am dopey, I know. And after that, I will go out to get the car clean, and getting a vlaai. A vlaai is something which is eaten on birthdays and special occassions. This is how a vlaai looks like:

Ask Hayley, she loves them. Me and her were in an argument once, why I didn't introduce her to it earlier. I should have. But I can't be arsed. It's so common to me, I tend to forget it's special to foreigners. But Hayley ain't a englishman..... woman...... she isn't one for a full 100%. She loves a lot of dutch things, like frikandellen and bicky burgers. She loves our chips, our delicacies. She is more dutch than you might think. If I am going to move to the UK, I will fucking miss my frikandellen. It's going to be so fucking hard to live without them. Fish and chips? The fish stinks and the chips are covered with more grease then I've got in my hair.... so soaking wet. Bleh. We should introduce dutch chips in the UK. We could open up a shop called H&M's chippy shop, MarLey's ChipShop. Watch out, before you know it, it is going to be a great brand!!!!!!

But first my birthday. Send my present to me bitches! (lol, or give them to Hayley). But I need presents. Why? I am a greedy bastard, that's why!

zaterdag 27 augustus 2011

4 days.....

until my birthday, so it's about time you get a present for me! Hurry up! Don't come crying that they didn't had it, you can go out right now. Chop chop, move. You know what I want!

Yes, 4 days until I turn 28. Magical it isn't. It's devastating. It's horror. When I want to retire here in the Netherlands, I have to work till the age of 67. So 39 years to go. That is pretty long. Too long. Can't imagine me working when I am nearly dead. Bleh.

28. Some of you haven't reached that age yet, and some of you already passed it years ago. Jealous? You shouldn't be. You should be proud of the age you are. Live life. There is only one life to live. And make the best out of it. Because I am....well, sort of. But if I continue the way I do right now, a burn out is near. Nearer than my retirement. 27 and a burn out? Yes, you can. Trust me, you don't need to be old to have that.

How are you? I am fine. Slept crappy, and my eyes aren't awake yet. My ears are nice and clean now! Bless a cotton bud. Today and tomorrow I am working, and it's probably the busiest weekend we had in a long time. And who else do you put behind the till? The craziest of them all, me! The one that can help customers while thinking of an island in the Pacific. The one that is quicker than a storm. Quick? You haven't seen quick yet, matey! I am so fast, customers are baffled by my quickness! Some customers specially come to the station after their holidays to see me work. That ain't a lie! I am like a robot behind the till. Zoef zoef, roef roef.

A robot, that's me. I even sell things people didn't buy. Like last week. A bus full of ze french. Horrible? A bit. They were all ravers going to Decibel, a big rave. And they were at my petrol station pretty early. They all needed the loo, so I let them. Having a angry frenchman isn't pleasant, so I let them. And one of the last persons who entered the shop, came to the till to pay for a bottle of water and something else, can't remember what else. He had an open can of Red Bull in his hand, and he shouted to me that he bought it somewhere else! I shouted back "you think that I am stupid? You don't walk into a shop with a drink they sell there? Come on, give me the barcode!" I scanned it, he paid for it, and got so angry, he threw the can to the till! Lol, that's active selling!

Was I hurt? Nope. But pissed off, the whole till was covered in Red Bull. And I couldn't mop the floor, because customers kept coming in, and due to safety reasons I wasn't allowed alone in the shop (the window was closed). Bleh, sticky floor.

Hopefully tonight will go quickly. I don't want to have a shit shift, those are crappy. And when it's busy and the achievement is big, I am always happy. I am pleased pretty easy.

BUT NOT THAT EASY! Now come on, go to the shop and get me a present. I will have a cake and coffee for those who come. But don't think that you live far away is an excuse! It's shopping time! Chop chop! Or however you spell it!

dinsdag 23 augustus 2011

It's been quiet here....

I haven't been on here for a long time. I am sorry, I was so busy. You couldn't imagine it. So busy, I didn't even had time to wipe my arse after a shit. That busy? Yes!

How am I? If I would say that I am fine, that would be a lie. Had the worst sleep ever. And now I've woken up with a massive headache. I hate it. Last night there was a massive thunderstorm, I've never experienced one like this before. Flash after flash, all the time. And when you would hear the thunder, some of them were so loud, it would give me a heart attack. Bloody hell, I am afraid of thunder. My bed is all soaked. No I didn't piss in my bed, but it's sweat!

Look at this picture. This was made in Limburg, the county I live in. Looks heavy, don't it? And stunning too. I don't mind looking at thunder, but I simply can't sleep when it's thundering. You never know when to expect a blast, bang or however you call it. That's the worst bit.

I really like looking at it, and be amazed of the power it produces. If we would capture a thunder, we could supply a town of electricity for a year. Amazing, innit? If they captured it all last night, we would never have to worry about electricty. It continued for an hour or 2, and then it went with one big bang. Fokk me, I had a wet bed. (And again, not piss).

Today? Probably have rain and thunder and hail. Am I scared? Not yet, I'm not in bed yet. Hopefully no one gets injured anymore, or die due to the heavy weather, like last week in Belgium. I've seen the video's of Pukkelpop, and it scared me. I love going out, and I've been to such big parties, and I can imagine me standing there. Please, don't let anyone die of the weather anymore.

And let no one die because of a war. Syria, and Libia. Weird that they fight for freedom, and getting slaughtered by the one they voted for. The world has gone nuts. Maybe I know why it all goes nuts right now............. it's God sign, saying the summer of 2011 has ended.

And I didn't even have my holiday yet. Bleh. Thunder away God. I will be having my holiday when it's cold, thanks.

vrijdag 5 augustus 2011

My looooooonnnngggg weeeekkkkeeennnddd (Part 2)

This is the second bit of our long weekend last week. I could have waited any longer with typing this, but I have probably forgotten alot by next week.

We were ready to hit Birmingham centre, Hayley was all dressed up, and I was...... well, I was ready hours ago. We determined that we sort out the way to the HMV Institute before we went back to the hotel, seeing as we both have never been there. Thanks, Google Maps. It was a short walk from Brittania Hotels to HMW Institute, 10 minutes maximum. We walked to it, got lost (passed some church and that chefs restaurant, Jamie Oliver). But we made it. The cue was short, we were there early. 10ish, I think. We were checked, and at the entrance we got in pretty quickly. We only needed to find our code, and that was it. Yes, we were in!!!!!!

OMG this building is big! As I said before, I've never been here before. We figured out that if we walked straight ahead, we would walk into the main room. So we walked downstairs, see what area was there. It was the Classic area, and DJ Sc@r was playing oldskool tunes. Yes, this is what I love and adore. Like Clear Vu said! She had a good time, and so did we. It was a bit empty in the beginning, but that didn't spoil the fun. Ok, let's get drinks. Hopefully it isn't expensive, like a famous club in London, where we paid more than 20 quid for four drinks. Nope, this was alright. And this was actually the first rave where they use a machine which has the price on it, so you don't need to be shouted at by the bartender. Handy machine! Should be introduced all around the world!

Sc@r was smashing it, but we wanted to see what this venue had to offer. What's this passage way next to the stage? A minor thing, the way around was poorly shown. You will figure out why in the next few lines.....

We got outside! Pfew, ciggie time. The atmosphere was relaxed. People were sitting down, chilling. But why? I thought they came for a reason, to level the floor even more by stamping hard!? Never mind, fag time was over, and we went back in again. We had to leave the Classic room, we wanted to explore. Upstairs then..... The Main Room. DJ Joey Riot was smashing it, and he had a great time. Me too! I went mental on his tracks. I think MC Wotsee was MCing, I am really bad in remembering things. But it was great! The atmosphere was laid down... it was so relaxed. Yeah, DJ, give it! And he did. But where is the other room? I am dutch, so European. And I want it a bit harder! So where's this famous Hardcore Techno room? Back on the stairway, and up. VIP? Nope, not where we needed to be. Ok, let's ask someone. "I ain't got a fokking clue". Yes, really helpfull. Bugger me. Where is it?

It took us half an hour to figure out where it was. Behind the toilets, or next to it (depends where you stand). But when we entered, I was shocked. It was empty! DJ Vortex was smashing it with Speedcore, it was ridicilous. It was hard too! But every rave I went to, where ever it is, always starts slowely, and end hard. So the hardcore would be first, and speedcore would end the night. But Vortex (no offense) had the honour to smash my ears to pulp. I can't stop listening, I have to continue.

Yes, this is what I came here for. DJ Marc Smith b2b DJ Brisk. Yes! European Gabber. Bring it on! Marc Smith was killing it, for real. Unbelievable. He was so bouncy behind the decks, and he must have destroyed them. Scratching all the way. DJ Sy has to watch out, Marc is on his way to become the King of Scratching.

Even though it wasn't packed to the max, the people where really cool with it. You had space to do your thing. And I did. Sweat? Yes, all over my body. The floor became so sticky, it felt like glue. Maybe next time other shoes? This is shit.

Brisk and Marc performed perfectly. A lot of famous European tracks, and I liked them all. It was so short, by the time I was covered from top to toe in sweat, it was over. Marc showed us some skills, and Brisk was off the stage.... maybe he ate to much Sinfull Sauces... Never mind.

I think Scott Brown was next. I don't know, sorry. My brain is still fucked. But I needed some fresh air, and a fag. So we walked outside. Outside was packed to the max, there were more people outside than inside of the Hardcore Techno room (let's call it the Hard Room, much easier to typ). Fag time over, let's get back inside. Downstairs. Yeah! Oldskool tunes. I love them. But we wanted to see who was playing upstairs.

Hixxy! The man himself. Busy as hell! No time to breathe, time to get moving. Moving? Well, just bounce up and down on one spot, there wasn't room to move, nor breathe. Ow? What the fok just happened? Equipment failure? That's a bummer. Or was it part of the show? Don't know, but the people all shouted at the DJ! And he got back to it quickly. I loved it. It wasn't to hard, if you compare it to the Hard Room, and not as slow as the Classic Room. It was nice!


DJ Brisk was back behind the decks again! This time in the mainroom! And I liked it. A lot of new tunes, and he just simply won't tell me which remix of "CLSM'S I will wait" he played. A lot of tunes which had breakbeat influenced bits in it, and I liked it alot. I don't know if it is a new thing in the UK Hardcore scene, but the room to breathe got a bit bigger. I think people still need to adapt to the sound. And they should! It's the best! Brisk started with famous UK tunes, and ended with famous EU tunes. Am I back upstairs again? No I wasn't. Why so short? I want this set to be longer!!! Meh. Brisk ended, and I needed to catch up with him. So I didn't see or hear who played after him. I am sorry! Had a long weekend, and catched as much as I could. But due to a fucked up timeline (my own timeline) I couldn't stay longer. A quick picture with Brisk, and a visit to the merchandise stand, and it was time to head back to the hotel.

It was quiet in Birmingham. And I loved it. OMG my ears must be bleeding. Such a weird feeling in my stomache. I want to go back, and hope this night would never end. But it did for me. And I would like to thank everybody at Uproar Summer Sounds for a wicked night. But please, next time, put the timetable online, so I could plan who to see and who I sadly can't see. And make the information a bit more visable. I couldn't find the Hard Room, it took half an hour. And a bit more lightening stuff in the hard room. It felt like all the equipment went into the main room, and upstairs was left out.

We went back to the hotel, and went to sleep. Woke up with our ears still messed up, and had a bath. We must get rid of the smell. Bleh. We were disgusting! A walk to the station had to be stalled, we needed to get birthday presents for uncle Martin. A quick tour around Brum, and then back to the station. Finally, a train where we could actually sit in. Marylebone station is where we got off, and took the tube to Oakwood. A quick walk, and we were home. Uncle Martin was there, and we talked a bit. After that a visit to the local Wetherspoons was necessary. We did it, got back home, and went to bed, because we had to wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning.

We woke up, got ready for the departure, and we got at St Pancras on time. A quick kiss, and a tear, and then... the journey back home. I wish this weekend never ended. My mum picked me up at Heerlen Station, and an hour later I took my own car, and drove home. I missed it a tiny bit. Hayleys room ain't big enough for a kingsize bed; that was the only thing I missed lol. And now I am here, and I miss Hayley.

For those DJ's who read this, can't you give me a job over there? So I don't need to come over every time, and I can live in the country I love and adore? Thanks!

donderdag 4 augustus 2011

My looooooonnnngggg weeeekkkkeeennnddd (Part 1)

It's was a long weekend. A weekend with ups and downs. Mostly ups. Lots of laughter. Me and my girl had a lot of fun. I'll explain my weekend.

Friday I started my journey very early. I came out of my nightshift, and I was so knackered. My mum offered a lift to the station, so I could leave my car at her place, so she could watch over it. She did, bless her. I tried to get a short kip, but I couldn't. I knew it was my old bedroom, but it wasn't simply mine anymore. Stupid suntanning exquipment in there, like I had that when I lived there.

She dropped me off at Heerlen Station. From there the journey started. Suitcase and handluggae ready? Yes. So let's go. A quick kiss on the cheek, and on the train. My first exit would be Maastricht station, where I would take another train. My suitcase was bloody heavy, full of clothing.

I waited for the next train to arrive at 09:06 in the morning. And like 2 minutes before, the nice train station sound system lady announced that the train wasn't driving at all. And she was sorry. Sorry didn't help me at all. I asked the conductor at the station what my options were, because I had to catch the Eurostar. He said "take the next train, it will leave at 10:06". But the journey was approximately 2 hours, and my Eurostar train would leave at 12:25. So it would be a close call. Afraid as I was, I called NS Hispeed and asked for help. She kindly helped me out, by saying that if I would miss the train due to a delay caused by NS, I would be on the next train. Pfew, lucky sod. The train at 10:06 arrived, and took me to Liege (Belgium). From there, I needed another train to Brussel Midi. Bloody heavy suitcase, not suitable at all.

On the train to Brussel Midi, and everything was fine. But my mind was rushing and thinking "what if I miss the train?" I got at Brussel Midi, and had to rush from one end to the other. Fucking luggage annoyed the shit out of me! But I wasn't the only one late, so a lot of us rushed to the check-in. Passport check? Check! Metal detector? Check. On the train! Woohoo.

I got in London at some point, I can't remember right now. But what I do know is that my girls mum was waiting for me, because Hayley couldn't pick me up. She had to work. Bugger. So no nice snog from her. Could ask her mum..... neh! Lol.

It's was crowded at London St. Pancras. Don't ask me why, must have been the holidays. We got into the tube, the lovely tube. (The reason mum picked me up, is because Hayley had my Oyster card, and still has..... so next time someone has to pick me up again.....). I got at Hayley's house, and went straight to bed. I was so knackered, couldn't even stay awake to dream.

Hayley got back from work. And she looked nice in her suit. I love ladies in a suit. So sexy. I could talk about the dirty stuff on here, but I know it's not appreciated. It involves love making! Now I said enough. For those who might think..... she ain't getting pregnant!

We stayed in, and watched the Amy Winehouse documentary. I did it for her, and for the fact that there was nothing much on telly either. It was all shit.

Sleep! Yes, we both needed that. When we woke up the next day, we woke up early. We needed to catch the train to good ol' Brum (Birmingham). When we got to Marylebone, it was busy. One milkshake for Hays, for me a coffee and a quick fag. Once they announced the platform, everybody rushed to get on the train. 3 coaches for so many people. We were crowded. A lot of people had to stand all the way to Brum. Fuck sake. Shit trains. Thank God I could sit on my suitcase, or Hayley. It wasn't fun at all, but everybody felt the same.

When we got to Birmingham Moor Street, we were happy and pleased. The station was so nice to see,looked old school. It was a station that didn't belong in the brandspanking new Birmingham centre, but nobody cares. When we got out of the station, good ol' Googly Mappy helped us towards Brittania Hotel, on the new Street, next to Primark. The walk was short, maximum of 10 mins. But obviously Hayley had to guide us, and we all know ladies can not read maps. So we got lost. But I got us back on track!

When we saw the sign "Brittania Hotel" we were happy. But then we got scared, because the entrance was in a dark alley. OMG, what if it is dodgy? Shit. But when we entered, it was magical. Classic music, everywhere marble where your eyes could take you! A quick entry check, and we got the hotel keys. It was so nice. And my Hayley has thought of me, and she choose a smoking room. Not actually a smoking room, which could mean it is on fire!!!!

We entered the room, and there was a huge bed in the middle. A nice shitter, a nice bathtub. A TV, which we didn't use. And a window, with a shitty view. Hayley looked outside, and I thought (when I took my sock off) I could hit her with it. And I missed, and it fell outside. If someone sees a sock laying on a roof there, it's mine. I am sorry for that, please send it back to me.

We agreed to get some sleep first, and then we would go out. We ate something, I think we both had hamburgers. We saw a lot of emo's there, must have been an emo concert near. Or Birmingham is the gate to hell.... could be. But not in my eyes. It's such a lovely place, so wide and spacious.

After our food we went back to the hotel to get our clothing and hair and smells fixxed. I was ready hours before, Hayley obviously took hours...... Ladies do that.......

The next blog will be about the rave itself. I am to bored and tired to typ more, I'll do it tomorrow!!!!