zaterdag 30 april 2011

For those who read this.....

this is for you! And no one else. This blog is all about you. Do I know you? I don't have a clue. Because I can't see who is visiting my blog. You could be a stranger, or someone I know. Hello to you!

Ow shit, I have been rude. Goodmorning to you! Yes, it's morning for me, just woken up. I'm still on nightshifts, so yes, morning mate! I had a shitty nightshift, it was absolutely shit. Too many customers, so many things to do, and backache. Pain, like I never felt before. It's all stress, I hope so. That's what the doctor told me. But I'm not a sissy, I go on. I will be the last person to call in sick.

Now to talk about the wedding. Yeah, the wedding. It kept me awake during the day, when I needed my sleep. Grrr. I hope they had a great day! It showed me something, that the English are Royal lovers. Definately! We (the dutch) are more.... how do I put it down....... different. Because we compare things. For instance, the kiss. So short. As I said in my tweet last night, if it was my wedding, I would kiss Hayley and stop when the vicar tells me to! Otherwise I will kiss her forever and ever. And at least I will hold her. Not like Prince William did. So stiff. The kiss that Princess Maxima and Prince Willem Alexander gave was much more like it! No tongue, but still full of passion! Yes, that's what I want to see!

I didn't watch the whole thing, I've got a life. But bits and pieces of it. Planes flying over. The crowd waiting there. Nothing more. It was good enough for us. We are different to that. I can guess that all newpapers in the UK have pages full of it, but here we had the front page, and some small pictures on the next page. Nothing much to be honoust. It's a wedding, and we are happy about it. But that's it. Hope they have a great honeymoon, and maybe produce a future King? Could happen. You might never know. Celibate? No need, you are married, my son! Go wild! Not wild as Oscar Wilde, that's wild on the wrong side!

Today was Queensday in the Netherlands. And it shocked me a bit. Never realised it before. She and the Royal family visited Weert and Thorn. But so short. I think they stayed there for a max of 3 hours. And do you know how much it costed for the city of Thorn? 200.000 euro's! Ridicilous. I'm against that. I don't like it when the tax payer has to pay for it! This amount is low, if you compare it to the security costs of the Royal Wedding, 20 million! Wow. I wish I had one percent of that! I wish......

There you go, a nice picture of them two! Why red tho? Because of the Irish history? WTF? Weird rules. I would marry in what ever Hayley wants me to wear. If she wanted me bare naked, i would hesitate, but still do it. Her wish is my command. Because it's a common fact that the wedding is mostly about the bride. I heared it alot of times, and maybe it's true. "I don't care if my maid of honour walks in a binliner, I am the most important one. I don't care if my hubby does that too. I am the one". Okay Hays, I will walk in a binliner! Binliner? A garbage bag! That is what I mean. A prullenbakzak.

Woohoo, I just come up with a great idea! I want to include more dutch things into the blogs. Maybe recipies to make dutch pancakes, a chart to show what kind of liqourice we have, a map of NL, you name it, you will get it!  We will start with this:

This is my Queen, Queen Beatrix! Now you know. Aren't I full of intelligence? I want the world to know. I share it with the world, without a goverment stopping me from sharing! I will do that. I am naughty! Miauw! Yes, I am naughty!

Ps. Don't ask me stupid things about the Queen. I don't know. Really, I don't know when she was born. I don't know anything about her. Just that her husband is dead. That's all. Ow, and that her son is married to Princess Maxima. Don't ask me the name of her barber. How would I know?

Have a nice day! Bye Bye

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