donderdag 21 juli 2011


it has been silent on here the last couple of days. But I've been busy the last couple of days, at work. Or at home. I am so knackered lately, and I simply can't be arsed to typ a blog. And when I do want too, I tend to forget. Sometimes a day not behind the computer is a Gods gift, I think. A bless.

I've been watching films lately, films that were covered underneath a pile of dust. I tend to watch films, and then store them for a long time. And if a film is shit, I only watch it once. Or I just buy it, for no particulair reason. I think I've got 10 films I have never seen. How weird is that?

Films which really happened, are interesting. Like the film "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford". It's a fucking hillbilly film, but so wicked. I don't know why. Or "The Assassination of Richard Nixon". I like things that happened for real. Or Zodiac. Interesting stuff. I don't like films that Oprah Winfrey supports. Stupid chick flicks. Bleh. Come on, we get it. Us men treated ladies like shit. Okay, okay. Slavery is a bad thing. We get it. Yes, racism is not cool. Okay. Bleh. That's why I don't like Oprah. Always going on about the past, and only the bad things. And don't get me started about Dr Phil. He is a knob. Bleh.

Operation Repo, who has seen it? It's probably the worst show on dutch telly now. So horrible. So bad. But so amusing to watch, to see how stupid Americans are. I don't get it at all. They show the Americans in the most horrible way. I would be ashamed if I was an American. So embarrasing. It shows the level of stupidity, at the other side of the Ocean (Sorry Tami). I can't believe people live like this. Living a fake life. I don't like people who tend to be somebody, and proud of their nation, but they shouldn't be. America is great to live in? Could be. But the promising land? Nope. It has I think the highest debt ever seen. Billions of dollars. And still, the USA send troops around the world, and putting billions into warfare. I don't get it. Why pretend to be great? Why not organise your country first?

I hate shows where you hear a laugh tape in the background. It shows to me that it ain't that funny, if you need a tape. I don't need someone to hold up signs, which states if I can smile, laugh, or clap my hands. If it ain't funny, drop it.

You know what is a crap programme? Shows about people's live, in full extend. Pregnant at 16? Tough shit. Should have zipped your jeans back up, before the act. Ow ow ow, it's so hard, raising a kid at that age, and you don't have work. OMG, it so bad that you and your boyfriend can't talk to each other anymore...... I do have the answer to that.... :YOU ARE STILL KIDS! NOT MATURE. Mature people face consequences. We deal with things. Teens just wanna have fun. Fun, but nothing else. And btw, you don't have a job, no money, a baby.... how come you can drive a big American car? How fake? How many decades are you going to pay for your loan?

I don't see the fascination with the USA. My new colleague, who I simply can't work with, goes on and on about America. She doesn't drink european coffee, only American. Blah blah blah. Fake fake fake. Why live the American life? I don't get it. Explain it to me? I rather be an englishman. Real. Maybe a bit miserable, with yellow teeth (as the Americans always show them on cartoons). But they are real. They deal with things in a better way. Ofcourse young pregnancy is a problem there too, but as far as I know, there ain't a huge fanbase in the UK around a programme that shows teens with problems. It ain't a normal thing, and it should never be.

Sorry if I go on and on about this, but it annoys me. People always complain, but never know when they have a good life. You might be miserable, but you still have a house, a car, food, water, everything you need to survive. And you complain about your baby? It costs money? Is that really what counts in this world? Money? Shouldn't you be afraid that your kid comes on this planet, being deformed? Or having a disease, like AIDS/HIV? Or die because of no water, or food? Is money really important? Is it important to dress you kid in the latest fashion? In Africa, they don't have designers clothes. They don't care. They were born naked, they will die naked. No Gucci bags around their thin wastes. They will die, and no one cares. But youngsters in the USA only care about the price of a baby. Disgusting.

Simple answer: use a condom, or don't have sex. The answer to the world economy? Don't give people money, who can't pay it back. Let them starve, they let other die too, without concerning.

Yes, let's give ourselves the luxury of spending money that ain't even ours, and don't care about others. We have done it for centuries, why would we change?

Maybe it's good just to be quiet, like I am going to change the way people see this world. Silence.....

(Note: no computers were harmed in the process of typing this blog. Please don't get offended)

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