maandag 6 juni 2011

I hate monday mornings....

because they are so lame, and stupid. I hate them. It's always a start of a new week, but I wish I never had the chance to start a new week. Bleh, I hate it. Bugger. And now I need to typ a blog. I don't want too, but it's been quiet for days.

I don't know how your weekend was, but mine was good. Had someone here with me, to keep me entertained (nah, I am joking). It was entertaining, that's for sure. On saturday we went to Germany, to a big shopping place, a lot of nice shops there. We went shoe shopping for me, obviously. But I failed again. We went in several shoe shop, but couldn't find a descent pair of white shoes that would fit me. That always happens to me. We ate a nice hamburger menu, and yes, it had German cucumber on it. And now I have the EHEC bacteria. Lol. Nope, it wasn't the cucumber, it is now believed it the fault of bean sprouts. I really like them, but now I won't eat them. Yep, we stuck to hamburger with cucumber. It was very nice, the temperatures were high (around 30 degrees). We ate red fries (ask Hayley). And alot of mayonnaise. Mmmmmm, we must have been in heaven.

After that, carwash time. Don't know why I did it, the car is dirty again. But it was nice. Made Hayleys hair dry by using the carwash dryer hahaa. That was funny. We didn't stay long, we went to Heerlen Centrum after, shoe shopping. And how we failed again. We bought a new bin for me, and the bin lid/cover was so funny, it could make you look like an astronaut. So, because you name your vacuum cleaner Henry, I called my bin Ozzie the astronaut! Yep, the excitement level rises.

A nice chippy visit to end a perfect day. I have a new keyboard with mouse to keep you lot entertained, now I must be prepared for work. Wish Hayley was still here, we had a lot of fun. And before you ask, Yes is the answer.

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