maandag 16 mei 2011

Another day, same shit....

no, that's not how it should be. Same shit, different day! That's it. Meh, can't be arsed to change it. The TAB button don't like me now. So I'll leave her alone.

How are you doing? I'm fine. This morning I wasn't. Went to bed and had to wake up early, for the dentist. I wasn't excited to go there. He did a filling, in a super horrible place. You know your front teeth, the one's you see when you are smiling? One of them. And not from the back or underneath, but up front! You could see the bloody big gap in it, when he drilled it! The filling up took so f**king long, I was in agony.

But that is done, for now. Need to go back in August, if I don't forget. I know my brain. So, I have it written down somewhere, now I need a day off. At work obviously. Bleh, don't want to go. I know it's far away, but I don't want to go.

What else has happened? Nothing much, I was at work last night, and from 22:00 till 03:30 there was no customer. Because they were working on the A2. They were finishing a bridge for animals to cross over. Can you believe that? Some roads are still completely ruined after the frost, and still not rebuilded, but they build a bridge for animals? The world is going nuts. A bridge..... for animals? I care about animals too, but that is just taking the piss. How much money is it costing us? When will animals pay us back, mm? Come on squirrels, birds, cows. Start paying hard cash, not milk, nuts or other materials. We need money. The world is poor. Yes, we are. Have you heared how high the depth is in the USA? 14.29 trillion dollars! WTF?

That's a lot of money! I wish I had one percent of it! Trillion? My god. Ridicilous. I know it sounds absurd, but the americans should blame themselves too (sorry Tami). They have several mortgages, several loans, several creditcards, etc. But no money. 1 christmas tree? F**k that, we need 4. We are americans! What the hell? You don't have money, stop spending other people's money.

I can understand that the USA needed the money, for whenever a disaster happens. Like hurricane Katrina, or an earthquake, or the flooding of...erm... somewhere. It's going mad. Now several people want to stop sending money to the poor people in Pakistan, where Osama has lived for several years, before he got killed. Why stop? They haven't done a thing wrong! They are the one's who need the money. They depend on money, to get food, to make food, or to put it this way: to survive!

I've heared a story on the radio this morning whilest driving to my crib, and it was about a village in Pakistan. They had everything on documents, and it said that the USA had sended 5000 dollars to that village. They were so clever, they still haven't spend it all. They have 2000 dollars still untouched. Isn't that amazing? They have nothing, but still managed to not spend it all! Those people who are desperate for money, they need it. Not americans who just spend it because they can. They want to work for it, and in the long term, they will earn it back. They can produce food for themselves after a while, after buying stuff to make...erm... a field full of food? Machine's!

Please, people from the USA, don't be greedy like that! The world depends on you. The third world I mean. They need your money. Don't spend it on bullshit, spend it on usefull things. I simply don't get it.

I don't get it. The world has a lot to spare, but doesn't. How many celebrities do actually spend their money? I can not believe that all the actors and musicians who went to poor places in the world, for Comic Relief or something else, had to pay for their own ticket. They travel in style, just to see poor people, and ask poor people in the UK, USA, NL, to spend their money. Isn't it weird? Not that I am against donating money!

You don't hear me saying it. But think closely before you send the money next time! They might say they do stuff without charging money for it. But do they really? Do they BOLLOCKS! If I were a celeb and had the money, I would do it differently!

Do you think the BBC would have such a large TV show/programme without getting money for it? Camera's will not record, if you would ask it gently. It's need power. It need people controlling it. It's all a vicious circle.

I give money to one charity, and no other. The salvation army! Those are the true heroes! When it's minus 10, they are handing out food to the poor people of our own country. When it's christmas, and we all sit around the fire, they are helping the people who need it. The people who sleep, live and die on the streets. And the amount of people on the street will only increase, if people spend their money, when it ain't even their money. So people, don't spend if you don't own it!

Ps. God, does this mean that I get a place in heaven? I wrote a nice blog! I have a heart! Please, give me a seat! I don't want to go to hell, I hate the heat. I love the coolness! Please? More blogs? Okay, but not today!

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