zondag 22 mei 2011

Me and Music (Part 2)

We kick off where we left the last time, in 1998, after I went to my first big rave. Yes I have been to small raves before, but not as large as this. 25000 people entered the place where it was held. Amazing night. But we kick off from then. No need to get back to that era. We have passed it. And before I forget to say it, the reason I typ it now, is because I might forget I promised you it. And I am typing as fast as I can, because I can. But it's going horribly wrong all the time. My fingers hurt, and I haven't even started properly yet. Let's get cracking then!

I got hooked on the rave scene. It was an amazing feeling. For those who never experienced it, do it. Go mental, let yourself go. Why waste your life, without having tried at least a simple thing? It's not a task. But it's something managable. Something you can do. I've done it several times so far, and the urge just keeps building up every time I hear a good track

Mysteryland, Innercity, Sensation, Raving Nightmare, etc. Raves I've been to. Thanks to me, and my family (well, a bit). I've lived life a bit. I've tried other styles too. Don't get me wrong. In 2001 I went to Innercity. Or was it 2000? It was 2000, I've been on Youtube the last 20 minutes, and I found an old VHS put onto Youtube. I salute you for it. Thank you, I've been waiting for that for ages. Because I don't have VHS anymore. Back in those days, it was normal. I've still got the video, but no player. That's just worst, innit? I'll post the video's here now. No one will like it, fuck it. It was amazing. Thousands of people going nuts. And even a Garage part. I can remember it, because there is where I got chewing gum stuck on my arse. Not my arse, my jeans! I had to buy a shirt to cover it up (Yes I am vain). Hahahaha, good ol' days.

Shit, it ain't letting me post properly below the video's. Ow well, new blog in a second then!

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