maandag 2 mei 2011


This day is bonkers. Absolutely bonkers. I'll tell you why in a minute. But what a day!

I nearly bought the wrong washing liquid! You know. For washing up. I bought abrasive instead of normal washing liquid. (Yes I had to look the word up, never used or heared of it before). Thank God for the nice lady behind the till. I asked her, and because I am dumb, I got the wrong one. I am like that. You can ask Hayley for more info. I am stupid, sometimes. Not every time. But most times.

It has been a busy day for me so far. Done alot of things. Things you wouldn't care about. Things you normally don't pay attention too! I did them. The washing is still tumbling around in the machine. When ready, it will go outside to dry, whilst the music "beats" out the stains!! I wish......

OMG! I just took my shoes off, and the smell is horrible! Bleh. Stinky feet. I can't help it. Sorry. Wish you had a smellblog, eh? lol. I walked alot today. I went to Total de Koumen in Hoensbroek, Limburg, The Netherlands. I would use their brand new car wash, which had the re-opening last friday. I thought "why not try it, see if it is an improvement." Which, if you look at the machine, is. But I couldn't use it. It was already broken down due to a malfunction. How funny is that! A brand new machine already kaput! Lol.

So I thought about things I could do. And I remembered that I received a letter which stated that my M.O.T. nearly expires, to be precise on the 17th of may, so I went to the garage next to the Total. It took an hour to get the car back, and it was all okiday! Only one light was broken, an extra 2.50 euro. Not that bad. The M.O.T. itself costs 35 euro. Good ja? I think so. I can race the streets for another year, without the police pulling me over for not M.O.T.-ed my car, if you know what I mean?

I want this dog, btw. So you know what to get me for my birthday! Not this one, obviously. The owner wouldn't like it when you steal him! He is pretty tho. Sh*t, why does my brain typ random stuff all of a sudden? I need to get back to reality.

How dumb am I? I went to my parents to do the mail and plants, and I forgot my cigarettes and lighter. Dumb, innit? Hayley would just think it would be marvellous, a life without them. Cancer sticks, I know. But it's hard to stop, hard to not smoke. I will stop one day. I promise. I don't know when, don't ask me that.

Went to the supermarket after. Interesting stuff? Yes, I am a wild person. I live an extraordinary life. Wow. I can imagine you want to swap with me! You can have my life, without a doubt. But not the misses, she is mine. Oeps, I'm talking like I own her. I don't.

Sorry, had to blow my nose. My snot was dripping on the keyboard...... too much info? I don't care! My feet stink, you already know that! Pus! I'm just saying, without caring! SEE! I am a rebel!

I don't own Hayley, just get to borrow her from mum! Not my mum, you dopey dopehead! From her mum. She....erm.... fabricated her. Not me! That would be weird. I get to borrow her, and her mum won't mind. I wanted to post a nice family photo, but they won't let me. Women never want their pictures online, which I don't understand! I've got picture's of myself online licking my knees. Yes, licking them. I don't care.

How do you spell my name? Yes, like this: R E B E L. That's me. Grrrr! The dutch rebel. But a sweet one! Really, I can be nice too! Ask Hayley, she knows.

Okay okay, one picture. Let's see:

This one is for Hayley. It's me. YES IT'S ME. Sleeping on the couch. I worked hard that day. And no, that ain't my hat. HAT. It's Hayleys. Imagine me walking with that. Hahahahaha. It's embarrassing to walk with my work uniform, so a hat would just make it ten times worst. Hope you like the picture Hays. I don't like it, you know it. But I do it for you. Because I love you!

Bye Bye!!!!!

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